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abuse acid rock act drop afterglow afterimage andante tempo apparel array asbestos asbestos board attire avant-garde jazz backdrop balance ballroom music banter bark at baste batten bawl out beat bebop bedizenment berate betongue blacken boltrope bones boogie-woogie bop border butt butt end candle ends canvas carpet chaff chew chew out clew cloth clothes clothing compound time costume coulisse counterweight country rock cringle crowd of sail culm curtain curtain board cyclorama daily daily newspaper dance music dances deadwood debris decor deride detritus dishwater draff drapery dregs dress dressing drop drop curtain duds duple time dust earing end etoffe execrate extra extra edition fabric fag end fashion fatigues feathers felt fig filings fire curtain flat flipper folk rock fool foot fore-and-aft sail fossil frock fulminate against fun garb garbage garment garments gash gazette gear goods gown grin at guise habiliment habit hanging hard rock haze head hogwash hold in derision holdover hot jazz husks investiture investment jape jaw jazz jest jive joke jolly josh kid lace largo laugh at laugh to scorn leavings leech lees leftovers linen load with reproaches luff mainstream jazz make fun of make game of make merry with march tempo material mixed times musical suite muslin napery national newspaper needle neighborhood newspaper news newspaper newspaper of record odds and ends offal offscourings old clothes orts pan paper parings pillory plain sail play jazz point at poke fun at potsherds press of sail presto put on put one on rags ragtime rail rail at raiment rally rant raspings rate rave against razz reduced sail reef point reefed sail refuse relics remainder remains remnant residue residuum rest revile rhythm-and-blues rib ride ridicule roach roast robe robes rock rock-and-roll rubato rubbish ruins rump sail sawdust scene scenery scourings scrap iron scraps screen scum sextuple time shadow shards shavings sheet side scene silk simple time slack slag slop slops smile at snicker at snigger at special special edition sportswear square sail stage screw straw stubble stuff stump style suite suite of dances survival sweepings swill swing


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